Packaging school

Read up on packaging sustainability and educate yourself with latest updates. Move forward and pioneer the world's transition to sustainable packaging.

How to brand your packaging

There are several ways for you to brand your packaging design without overspending your packaging budget...

Paper or plastic - what's the more sustainable packaging solution?

There doesn’t seem to be a black and white answer to this question since both materials have their pros and cons. 

What is the difference between paperboard and corrugated board?

Corrugated boards are thicker and sturdier than paperboards. Corrugated board consists of several layers of paper...

What is a life-cycle assessment (LCA)?

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is the process of evaluating the effects that a product has on the environment...

What is the FEFCO code?

The FEFCO code is an internationally applied system for packaging design. It was designed by FEFCO in the 1960s...

Understand the printing lingo

If you’re a first-time packaging buyer the print lingo might not be so straightforward...

Comparing different packaging materials

We have summarized the characteristics of the most common material types for different packaging.

The truth about plastic recycling

Plastic is one of the most consumed materials in the modern world...

Sustainable packaging in e-commerce industry

The main packaging materials used within the e-commerce market are...

The recycling situation in the EU

Recycling rate is how much of the total waste produced that is sent for successful recycling...

Unpacking the fashion industry

An estimated 150 billion garments are produced every year in fashion industry...

The EU waste hierarchy

The EU Waste Hierarchy establishes an order of preference for managing and disposing of waste...

What is sustainable packaging?

There is no direct answer. It rather important to assess a packaging product considering its whole life cycle...

In focus: plastics

Since the 1950’s, the world has produced approximately 7.8 billion tons of plastic...

“What did this one mean now again?”

We are clearing up the symbols on packaging so that you can be sure of what exactly it is you are buying...

The importance of the life cycle perspective

The life cycle perspective can shed a new light on the environmental impacts caused by the “thing” in focus...

The likelihood of recycling

Not everything will be recycled in today’s systems, so what should you look for in packaging to increase the likelihood...